Search results for "beelet, beeleta'"

beelet, beeleta' v feed (for animals) Beelet dalim'. She fed the trout. Beeleta' na' goosi. I fed the pigs.

gos, goosi n pig Kuyo'on' gos xoch'oyow. The pig is digging its nose in the ground. Beeleta' na' goosi. I fed the pig. (sem. domains: - Hoofed animals, - Pig, 2.2.6 - Sweat.)

weheeshit, weheeshita n mountain lion Gadaayit weheeshit. The mountain lion was hungry. Weheeshita na' beeleta'. I fed the mountain lion. (sem. domains: - Mountain, - Carnivore, 1.6.7 - Male and female animals.)

bodniiya', bodniiya'an n horse (young) Xatit bodniiya' shokooya. The young horse ate grass. Beeleta' naa'an bodniiya'an. We all fed the young horse. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.4 - Living things, 1.6 - Animal.)